Your needs
I will do my best to meet your needs—both physical (food, water, shelter, vet care) and mental & emotional (social interaction, biological fulfillment, opportunities to express natural behavior)—day in and day out.
Your body language
I will pay attention to your body language and listen to what you tell me.
Your trust
I will be consistent, reliable, and worthy of your trust. When things go wrong, I’ll show us each grace and focus on our recovery.
Your comfort
I will advocate for your space from scary things and speak up so you don’t have to take matters into your own hands.
Your growth
I will push you to grow in meaningful ways that ultimately improve our shared quality of life.
Your impulse control
I will build your frustration tolerance and teach you about delayed gratification.
Your joy
I will also give you plenty of immediate in-the-moment joy. (Life is too short.)
Public respect
I will respect other people in shared spaces to give dogs a good name, keep public areas pet friendly, and reduce your chances of being harmed by a stranger.
I will take care of myself, too.
Our love
I will love you. Oh, goodness, I will love you. Even when it’s the “this is hard work” kind.